Private Detective in Pakistan

Best and reliable detective in Pakistan.

Private Detective in Islamabad

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Private Detective in Karachi

Truth all the way with verified information.

Fact Finders Pakistan Offer Special Services in Pakistan.

We Offers all Kind of Personal and Corporate Detective Service to solve your problems.

Fact Finder in Pakistan Fact Finder in Islamabad Fact Finder in Karachi Fact Finder in Lahore

We offers the Best Private Detective Pakistan. We serve our services to all Major cities like Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala,  Including all Small Cities as well.Our Detective company is the biggest Network of Private Detectives with 5000+ Strength All Over Pakistan.

All of Them work as team to serve you fast and Quality Services. This strength make us eligible to serve you all kind of Private Investigation Services like Pre Matrimonial Investigation, Post Matrimonial Investigation, Employee Investigation , Corporate Investigation , Missing Person investigation , Family Dispute and Much More.

All You Need to Provide us raw details about your problems and leave rest on us. Our Detectives are Highly Experienced to solve your case as early as possible. Just hire us and get back to trouble free life.

WhatsApp | +92-335 -780-4530

Fact Finder in Pakistan Fact Finder in Islamabad Fact Finder in Karachi Fact Finder in Lahore

We can find the fact and the hidden truth

Let’s start finding the facts in a different way…

100% Confidential and you feel in safe hands. 10 years of experience.

Background Checks in Pakistan

Character Checking in Pakistan

Keep Eyes On Teenagers Kids in Pakistan

We investigate the Identity, Reputation, Conduct, Affiliations, Associations, Movements and Whereabouts of any person including – Employees, Business Partners, Spouses, Debtors, Witnesses, Relatives, Missing Person, Friends, Wards, etc.

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About Fact Finders Pakistan

Who we are why we are and what can we do.

Fact Finders Pakistan is leading brand detective company in Pakistan. You can easily rely on us, as we realize the problems of individual people who are suffering. Our motive is to provide best services to you.
We are the one who give you 100% satisfaction. We are expert in manipulate pre and post matrimonial investigation, missing person detection, pre employee verification, labor case detection, cyber crime detection, corporate detection, brand protection related, wealth verification services etc. If you are dealing with any such type of problem, then don’t forget to contact us. We are always here to serve you.
Marriage is unique relation relationship in our life. 50% of marriages got unsuccessful, as some people provide alliance data to other party as per requirement. So it is necessary for everybody to pre investigate the other side people and all related details before binding in relation of marriage. Fact Finders Pakistan is best agency in authenticating all details and related information in pre matrimonial cases.
People faces lot of problems like property related, financial disputes matrimonial etc. Several incidences involves cheating and deceitful sale of the property of them and other disputes. Fact Finders Pakistan has set up a special overseas Pakistanis Cell for redressal and early settlement of matters relate to overseas Pakistanis.


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